Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

It has been soooooo long since I last blogged. But I have not forgotten you. I just could not seem to find the time to blog. But I am going to. I know I have said this over and over. But this time I promise (My Quilter's Oath) to blog at least once a month until I am too old and senile to blog anymore. Until my fingers are so arthritic I cannot hold a needle to sew on binding. Until I have forgotten what a quarter inch seam is. Until seeing a quilt with flying geese anywhere on it does not make my heart beat just a little faster. Until the smell of fabric no longer makes me smile. Until my car no longer knows the way to the quilt store by itself.
You get the picture.
Anyway, I sew one hour a day. My progress may be a little slow but I do get there. Right now I am working on Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll. It is coming along nicely.
Happy Labor Day.

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